Tehnologos is a podcast series exploring the evolving nature of mediation through the lens of computation and information processing. Curated and hosted by Maks Valenčič, the series seeks to ground these transformations within a novel framework for understanding how reality itself is being reconstituted.
Tehnologos unfolds through four online conversations with guests whose work directly embodies these changes and whose conceptual ramifications reveal the source code behind emerging abstractions. The primary goal is to illuminate and appreciate the broad reordering of “consensus reality” and to contemplate possible responses.
Tehnologos series launches live on November 6th, 3 PM (CET) via Zoom.
Join via: https://zoom.us/j/93311498815
- 6 Nov, 3 PM (CET) – Wolfgang Ernst
- 20 Nov, 5 PM (CET) – Miroslav Griško
- 27 Nov, 5 PM (CET) – Avel Guenin-Carlut
- 3 Dec, 5 PM (CET) – Seele
TEHNOLOGOS#1: Wolfgang Ernst
Having been academically trained as a historian (PhD) and classicist (Latin Philology and Classical Archaeology) with an ongoing interest in cultural temporalities, Wolfgang Ernst grew into the emergent technology-oriented "German school" of media science. His academic focus has been on archival theory and museology, before attending to media materialities. Until his retirement in October 2024, Ernst held the Chair of Media Theories at the Institute for Musicology and Media Science at Humboldt University in Berlin. His current research covers "radical" media archaeology as method, epistemology of technológos, theory of storage, technologies of cultural transmission, micro-temporal media aesthetics and their chronopoetic potentials, and sound analytics ("sonicity") from a media-epistemological point of view.
Books in English (focus technical media): Digital Memory and the Archive (2013); Chronopoetics. The temporal being and operativity of technological media (2016); Sonic Time Machines. Explicit Sound, Sirenic Voices and Implicit Sonicity in Terms of Media Knowledge, Amsterdam (2016); The Delayed Present. Media-induced interventions into contempor(e)alities, Berlin (Sternberg Press) 2017; Technológos in Being. Radical Media Archaeology and the Computational Machine, New York et al. (Bloomsbury Academic) 2021.
TEHNOLOGOS#2: Miroslav Griško
Miroslav Griško is a writer and philosopher in Ljubljana. His work focuses on the philosophy of war, physical and metaphysical eschatology, and anti-spinozist concepts of intensity. He is the author of Eshatološka vojna (Eschatological War), published in 2022 by KUD Apokalipsa (Ljubljana) and in electronic edition by Društvo Galerija Boks, and a forthcoming book (2025) with Primož Krašovec on capital, war, speed, homicide, and the secrets of higher and autonomous intelligences.
TECHNILOGOS#3: Avel Guénin–Carlut
Avel Guénin–Carlut is currently a PhD student in cognitive science under the supervision of Andy Clark. They were trained in cognitive science, as well as complex systems physics. Their research focuses on the relation between cognition and cultural evolution, as well as the formalisation of the "unfolding" of physical possibilities in evolution and cognition and its link to consciousness / sentience. They are currently trying to integrate both through a strong account of cultural niche construction, describing the construction, integration, and enaction of "social constraints" by human agents under the formalism of Active Inference.
Tehnologos je podkast serija, ki raziskuje spreminjajočo se naravo mediacije skozi prizmo komputacije in informacijskega procesiranja.
Tehnologos obsega štiri spletne pogovore z gosti, katerih delo neposredno uteleša omenjene spremembe, konceptualne posledice pa razkrivajo »izvorno kodo« vznikajočih abstrakcij. Osrednji cilj pogovorov je z naklonjenostjo osvetliti to širšo preureditev "konsenzualne realnosti" ter razmisliti o možnih odzivih.
Serija Tehnologos se začenja v živo 6. novembra prek Zooma.
Pogovori potekajo v angleškem jeziku.
Pridružite se na: https://zoom.us/j/93311498815
- 6. nov., 15:00 (CET) – Wolfgang Ernst
- 20. nov., 17:00 (CET) – Miroslav Griško
- 27. nov., 17:00 (CET) – Avel Guenin-Carlut
- 3. dec., 17:00 (CET) – Seele
Kurator in moderator: Maks Valenčič. Produkcija: Tjaša Pogačar (Šum / Društvo Galerija Boks). Oblikovanje: Jaka Neon. S podporo Mestne Občine Ljubljana in Ministrstva za kulturo RS.