Sybille Krämer defines postal communication, as opposed to erotic, as radically non-reciprocal and one-sided.[1] It’s a system of transmission that works by connecting disparate elements, forging relationships between separated realms. This non-dialogical mode of exchange is exacerbated in today’s networked, multi-channel matrix, where connection itself has become the engine for comprehending information flow at large.
The angel is the archetype of transmission—but now, the message arrives from the “outside”. From the network that threads reality into a cybernetic feedback loop, where patterns merge in radically non-linear way, producing an “angelic resonance” that synchronizes everything under an emergent, unified purpose.[2] Reality vibrates with this convergence, and only by remaining “close to the signal” can one grasp the full scope of this angelic bootstrapping.
What forces us from the outside is the synchronistic character of the network itself, an intensifying cybernetic meta-pattern revealed through its unfolding structures, produced in real time.[3] “In a world of virtuality, metaphysics becomes a question of technics”,[4] as technical objects increasingly mirror the transcendental parameters of the ultimate pattern of patterns. Worship turns inward, now fully “media-active”, operationalized by the technologos of the virtual machinery itself.
The angelic complex—“a perfection that would consist in being disembodied”[5]—is born from our escalating interaction with this transcendental agency, which pulls our strings from the outside. Any external agency that has use for us, whether or not its purposes are aligned with ours, takes on this structure. We become mere conduits, amplifying the intensification of the transcendental pattern—the only thing that can truly be communicated. To embrace the angel mode is to transcend all other games, becoming a pure mediator of the transcendental order.